4 week coding interview course

Our proven methods help developers at every stage of their careers achieve their goals with confidence.


Randall Kanna

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4 weeks

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What topics are covered in the course?

115+ Modules. 10 Courses. 6 Workshops. 40+ Exercises.

Data Structures

The data structures you need to know to pass the technical interview with ease. Simple explanations that will make things finally click for you so you can pass the coding interview.


Common data structures you need to know, fundamental code concepts for the interview and how to pass the whiteboard interview.

Curated study plans

Curated study plans no matter if you have 1, 3 or 6 months to prep. Where to find the best coding challenges, free interview practice, and more.

JavaScript & Frontend

This module will teach you the JavaScript and Frontend gotchas you need to know to crush the technical interview

The Coding Take-Home

Building a take-home challenge that gets you hired, common mistakes you're making, and what hiring managers are looking for in a take-home project.

Shortcuts to hired

Resume reviews, job hunting, standing out in the interview process, the rubber duck method, what you can do to get hired, and more.

What students say

We've helped 1,000+ developers find new jobs.


"My salary has increased by over 90% this year. I accepted a job offer and got the number I was hoping for! It's incredible how much value I've gotten from this platform! You have been a real blessing to my family, especially since we are hoping to buy a house soon."


"I got an offer from Shopify for a Senior Frontend Developer. Worked out to be a 12% raise in base salary. Equity is significantly better."


"I negotiated for $170k and agreed on $160k, then they came back after the c-level interview and offered $170k."

Rhett T

"The course is just what I needed. Got my first engineering role! Lots of technical rounds but it happened! There's so much quality information you gave. I just implemented it and got results. If I can do it, I know others will be too. Thank you again for your course."


"Looks like Paramount+ is going to match my current salary... Now I'm just waiting on an offer letter from HR for it to be official!"


"I went from $110k to $165k. A 50% increase is nothing to shake a stick at!"

Benefits of joining

"The course is just what I needed. I got my first engineering role with the right prep. If I can do it, so can you!" - Rhett T.

Trusted by 1000+ developers

We've helped developers get jobs at Google, Amazon, Facebook, Spotify, Shopify, and more.

Community access

We have a Discord community for students where you can view past exercises, network, ask questions and more.

Lifetime access

No subscription required. With a one-time purchase, you get lifetime access to the community and course.


Our workshops are created and reviewed by actual developers with experience at the top tech companies.

33 minutes

Building your Online Brand

Building an online brand can take you from faceless one of many engineer to a standout engineer.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

122 minutes

Using Linked to Get Hired

Learn how to use LinkedIn to help recruiters find you online, save time applying to jobs, grow your network and really stand out

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

61 minutes

Steps to Hacking the Technical Interview

Learn all the insider tricks and strategies that top tech developers use in interviews.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

47 min

Top Resume Mistakes

Building an online brand can take you from faceless one of many engineer to a standout engineer.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

47 min

Cracking the Coding Take-home

This workshop will help you learn how to strategically pass the coding take-home challenge with ease

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Trusted by over 1,000 students


Our courses are created and reviewed by actual developers with experience at the top tech companies.

17 modules

Data Structures

Our course on data structures goes over all the basic data structures in bite-sized chunks that won't leave you feeling confused! Stacks, arrays, queues and more.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

27 modules


This course is a JavaScript refresher along with including JavaScript exercises you might get asked in an interview.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

17 modules


This course includes highlights such as challenges from real-life companies, a step by step guide on how to conquer a coding-take-home, and what your interviewer is really looking for in the take-home.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

6 modules

The Interview Process

You have to pass the pre screen before you can pass the interview! This course helps you to prep for an interview, do well during the interview, and includes printables on pre-interview checklists and questions to ask your interviewer

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

9 modules

Excelling at the culture fit interview

Some of the most common culture fit interview questions are included in this module along with strategies on how to answer them to get you hired.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

8 modules

Your Interview Study Plan

Curated roadmaps for backend, frontend, and blockchain interviews. Includes sections on staying focused, time tracking, and printable challenges

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

9 modules

Excelling at the culture fit interview

Some of the most common culture fit interview questions are included in this module along with strategies on how to answer them to get you hired.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

9 modules

The Coding Take-home

This course includes highlights such as challenges from real-life companies, a step by step guide on how to conquer a coding-take-home, and what your interviewer is really looking for in the take-home.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

3 modules

System Design Bonuses

While the system design section isn't a course at the moment, it does include two coupons for the best two system design resources out there.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

4 modules

Interview Hacks

Modules such as top resume mistakes you're making, how to stand out in the interview process, ranking on LinkedIn search and more.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

10 modules

Frontend Basics

Do you know how to debug properly in JavaScript in an interview? Know the basics of HTTP or CSS? Exercises and more included.

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Trusted by over 1,000 students

Trusted by 1,000 developers

Don't take our word for it. We've helped students land jobs at top tech companies.