Let's tackle a new coding challenge today - finding the missing number in a sequence.
Given an array of numbers from 1 to N with one number missing… Find the missing number.
Can you write a solution that solves this problem?
Go ahead and give it a try!
I’ll wait….
How did it go? Let’s chat about it.
So, one possible solution to solve this problem is by the sum of the first n natural numbers.
You can find the sum of the numbers and then subtract the sum of the numbers in the array.
The result would be the missing number.
Here's the pseudocode:
1. First, find the sum of known array elements.
2. Calculate the sum of first N natural numbers using the formula n*(n+1)/2.
3. Subtract the first value from the second.
4. Voila! The result would be our missing number.
Sounds good?
Let's take a look at the JavaScript implementation:
Time Complexity
The time complexity is O(n). This is because there is a loop that goes through each element of the array one time.
Space Complexity
The space complexity of our solution is O(1), because it uses a constant amount of space.